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Understanding SSP provisioning step by step ?

Associate III


I am trying to understand this document:

Generally speaking, I miss some context between the "SSP is nice to protect your firmware through HSM" and the how-to with many acronyms and missing explanations.

I spend a couple of days reading related documentation and still feel very lost.

"2.2 Payload file"
I understand this step as the creation of a file with all the secrets in it, including HSM and RMA keys/password.
What are the meaning of RSSe, DHUK, BHK or DHUK_xor_BHK acronyms?

** Question 1**  What are RSSe, DHUK, BHK ?

My page looks very different. This section is not helpful.
I believe this is the public key generated in step 2.1.1.
What is the RMA password? I understand that this password allows to protect RMA mode, but how is it created? should I provide a file with a random 16 character password? or is this an AES key? Is it one of the private keys generated in step 2.1.1 or 2.1.2?

**Question 2** How to create the file for the RMA password?

2.2.2 backup file memory creation:
What is this? Is nice to know how to do it, but it would be better to understand first it meaning and goal.
Need for some concepts here.

**Question 3** What is a "backup file memory creation"?

2.2.3 payload creation
I though that we already did that in the Secrets Gen (step 2.2.1).

**Question 4** What is the difference between the secrets file and the payload file?