2025-01-20 05:06 PM
I am trying a simple CM33 ELF test. This one just has the STM32CubeMX boilerplate for the CM33 (non secure). I added a toggle on GPIOJ[6].
I stripped out a ton of the inits leaving just the GPIOJ[6] and pin toggle. after the seq below LED3 *does* toggle.
But... the system watchdogs after ~30secs. How to kick off a CM33 program and not have start hang?
Is there some way the CM33 can tell the CA35s to keep going and leave the CM33 running?
echo -n /home/hedley > /sys/module/firmware_class/parameters/path
echo start >/sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state <<<<<<<< this will not return to the prompt... hang.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 hedley hedley 27 Jan 20 16:50 rproc-m33-fw -> test_mp2_CM33_NonSecure.elf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 hedley hedley 3216664 Jan 20 16:51 test_mp2_CM33_NonSecure.elf