2021-11-03 4:45 AM
I have a custom board that basically identical to the PDK
We Made 2 Boards for test.
One starts up OK
The Other fails
Section of Console below
The section of interest is the line
INFO: CPU 0 IT Watchdog 2 and so
The Same SDCard in both.
Must be a hardware issue but what?
Any Help appreciated
Found /mmc0_extlinux/stm32mp157c-dk2_extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /mmc0_extlinux/stm32mp157c-dk2_extlinux.conf
706 bytes read in 39 ms (17.6 KiB/s)
Retrieving file: /splash.bmp
18244 bytes read in 39 ms (456.1 KiB/s)
Select the boot mode
1: OpenSTLinux
2: stm32mp157c-dk2-a7-examples
3: stm32mp157c-dk2-m4-examples
Enter choice: 1: OpenSTLinux
Retrieving file: /uInitrd
INFO: CPU 0 IT Watchdog 2
INFO: sp_usr : 0x0
INFO: lr_usr : 0x0
INFO: spsr_irq : 0x0
INFO: sp_irq : 0x0
INFO: lr_irq : 0x0
INFO: spsr_fiq : 0x0
INFO: sp_fiq : 0x0
INFO: lr_fiq : 0x0
INFO: spsr_svc : 0x0
INFO: sp_svc : 0xddae1220
INFO: lr_svc : 0xdfc8d873
INFO: spsr_abt : 0x0
INFO: sp_abt : 0x0
INFO: lr_abt : 0x0
INFO: spsr_und : 0x400001db
INFO: sp_und : 0x0
INFO: lr_und : 0xdfc3a008
INFO: spsr_mon : 0x400001db
INFO: sp_mon : 0x2ffd8a80
INFO: lr_mon : 0xdfc3a004
INFO: scr : 0x225
INFO: pmcr : 0x41072000
2021-11-05 4:02 AM
Hi @Bkell.1 ,
If the two custom boards are identical and that you are using the same SD Card for both, you are right it looks like an hardware issue.
Please can you enable the debug traces of U-boot for all the files that can be interesting (especially in those where the behavior is different) : https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/U-Boot_-_How_to_debug
Then please provide us the complete logs of the two boards (the one that works and the other). We will look at them.
2021-12-01 3:15 AM
Hello @Bkell.1 ,
Do you still need help on this issue?
2021-12-01 9:42 PM