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Reduce image size with Yocto


Hello, I've got a board with an STM32 MP CPU and I have to reduce the size of the final image to leave enough space on the NAND memory for a dual rootfs setup. The idea is to remove the alsa layer because I don't need the audio part. I tried to add the following lines inside the local.conf on the build folder of the Yocto project:

DISTRO_FEATURES_remove += "alsa"

DISTRO_FEATURES_remove += "pulseaudio"

PACKAGECONFIG_remove += "alsa-lib \

alsa-state \

alsa-topology-conf \

alsa-ucm-conf \

alsa-utils \


but It doesn't work as expected and most of the alsa packages are still there.

How can I completely remove the alsa layer from the Yocto project?



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Jean-Marc B
ST Employee

Hi @LLorr.1​ 

I would try the following change:

MACHINE_features_remove =  "alsa"

Best regards,
