2019-08-21 03:28 PM
2019-08-22 12:30 AM
I do not see issues here. The SWO pin can be programmed for one between two encoding: UART or Manchester.
The data sent out in UART mode can be read by any UART receiver (pay attention to the voltage level, so you need a UART receiver at 3.3V) once you have set the proper baudrate and parity.
I never used the Manchester encoding, due to lack of proper receiver. But in a FPGA implementation the Manchester receiver could be more interesting than the UART one; the bit clock can be extracted directly from the data-stream and the RTL implementation could be far smaller than a full UART.
2019-08-21 07:39 PM
I'd assume so, one could presumably code the FPGA to handle other protocols too.
2019-08-22 12:30 AM
I do not see issues here. The SWO pin can be programmed for one between two encoding: UART or Manchester.
The data sent out in UART mode can be read by any UART receiver (pay attention to the voltage level, so you need a UART receiver at 3.3V) once you have set the proper baudrate and parity.
I never used the Manchester encoding, due to lack of proper receiver. But in a FPGA implementation the Manchester receiver could be more interesting than the UART one; the bit clock can be extracted directly from the data-stream and the RTL implementation could be far smaller than a full UART.
2019-08-22 08:28 PM
Thank you for your inputs .