2023-09-06 8:44 AM
Hi, I have a custom board with a parallel RGB display connected to it that works OK when using pixman.
If I enable the galcore.ko module, weston fails;
[15:27:38.101] weston 10.0.0
Bug reports to: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/weston/issues/
Build: 10.0.0
[15:27:38.102] Command line: /usr/bin/weston --modules=systemd-notify.so --log=/home/weston/weston.log
[15:27:38.102] OS: Linux, 5.15.67, #14 PREEMPT Mon Sep 4 17:47:46 CEST 2023, armv7l
[15:27:38.102] Flight recorder: enabled
[15:27:38.103] Using config file '/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini'
[15:27:38.103] Output repaint window is 10 ms maximum.
[15:27:38.104] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-10/drm-backend.so'
[15:27:38.121] initializing drm backend
[15:27:38.121] Trying logind launcher...
[15:27:38.166] logind: session control granted
[15:27:38.195] using /dev/dri/card0
[15:27:38.195] DRM: supports atomic modesetting
[15:27:38.195] DRM: supports GBM modifiers
[15:27:38.195] DRM: supports picture aspect ratio
[15:27:38.196] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-10/gl-renderer.so'
[15:27:38.268] EGL client extensions: EGL_EXT_client_extensions
EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_platform_wayland
EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_gbm
[15:27:38.268] failed to initialize display
[15:27:38.268] EGL error state: EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED (0x3001)
[15:27:38.268] failed to initialize egl
[15:27:38.269] BUG: layer_list is not empty after shutdown. Calls to weston_layer_fini() are missing somwhere.
[15:27:38.269] fatal: failed to create compositor backend
So it seems that the eglInitialize() function fails.
The galcore module is loaded OK:
[ 23.272361] galcore: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[ 23.308976] Galcore version
With the modetest application I see the correct pagttern on the display
The kmscube application fails:
root@stm32mp1:~# kmscube
[ 1] HAL user version:
[ 2] HAL kernel version:
[ 3] HAL user version:
[ 4] HAL kernel version:
[ 5] ioctl(DRM_IOCTL_GEM_CLOSE) failed
[ 6] HAL user version:
[ 7] HAL kernel version:
[ 8] HAL user version:
[ 9] HAL kernel version:
[ 10] ioctl(DRM_IOCTL_GEM_CLOSE) failed
failed to create gbm surface
failed to initialize GBM
I have not found information about how to enable debug on the egl modules.
Anyone has any idea about how to debug such a situation?
Many thanks
2023-09-13 5:15 AM
I did the test myself and indeed I had a problem when activating galcore.
To make it work, I had to use the config file of the starter package.
So I think you can start from this config file and then make your modifications on top of it.
don't hesitate to come back to me if needed .