2023-01-26 6:25 AM
I modified the device tree by a patch to disable HW flow control. It seems the port is still working as expected.
Here is my patch:
usart2_pins_c: usart2-2 {
pins1 {
- pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('D', 5, AF7)>, /* USART2_TX */
- <STM32_PINMUX('D', 4, AF7)>; /* USART2_RTS */
+ pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('D', 5, AF7)>; /* USART2_TX */
slew-rate = <3>;
pins2 {
- pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('D', 6, AF7)>, /* USART2_RX */
- <STM32_PINMUX('D', 3, AF7)>; /* USART2_CTS_NSS */
+ pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('D', 6, AF7)>; /* USART2_RX */
2023-01-27 2:01 PM
Hello @Wechmarer ,
You can fin some documentation concerning pinctrl and pins DT node in the wiki:
If you take a look at the stm32-usart driver, you will be able to find the different calls to the pinctrl framework and understand how does it works, in parallel with the precedent wiki links.
I hope that these links will help you to catch the utility of pins node.
Kind regards,