2020-04-15 1:21 AM
With the Distribution Package for STM32MP1 I created my own machine (STM32MP151A) and I was able to generate a the flashlayout for both sdcard and emmc.
I don't see any script to create the image for emmc, like `create_sdcard_from_flashlayout.sh`.
Is there such a template or I am on my own?
2020-04-15 1:33 AM
The SD-Card image is only required when you program SD-Card out of the target, e,g, on a Linux PC using dd command.
As the eMMC is soldered, it is intended to be programmed on-board using CubeProgrammer (via USB), so only a flashlayout (.tsv) is needed.
If you wish to program eMMC before soldering it (usually only for large production scale), it is up to you to create the image suited for your programming system.
2020-04-15 2:29 AM
Hi! Both solutions are not applicable here. We want to do the following:
This will allow also an easy way to update the software if needed.
For this reason I want to create the raw image. I saw that changing the script setting mmc1 as device will produce an "emmc" image.
Do you think it's ok my idea?