2022-01-26 7:14 AM
Is there any plan to release C++17 compatible HAL and LL libraries for MP1 platform? I had written a lot of code in C++17 and later found out that MP1 libraries are full of `register` keyword which is not supported since C++17. A temporary solution is of course deleteing the keyword from all HAL and LL sources (no hard work, there are only about 20 occurences), but I would like to know the official plan or statement about this.
Thank you.
2022-01-26 8:54 AM
Where is the 'register' keyword: in .C or .h files?
If in .h files, can you put #define register /*nothing*/ before inclusion of these files?
(If in .c files, there's no issue at all)
2022-01-27 1:02 AM
It's in both.
Yes, that's another workaround and I've actually solved it similar way by adding preprocessor symbol `register=` directly to CubeIDE project tool settings.