on 2025-02-10 7:17 AM
The first stage bootloader (FSBL) is a key component in the boot process of STM32N6 microcontrollers. It is responsible for initializing the system, configuring the hardware, and loading the application code from external memory into the internal or external memories for execution. This article provides a quick tutorial on how to use the FSBL in the simplified mode.
At power-on, the boot ROM copies the FSBL binary from the external memory into the internal SRAM. Once the boot ROM task is completed, it jumps to the FSBL project. It is usually responsible for executing the clock and system settings and configuring the external memories. Finally, it copies the application binary in internal SRAM or sets the external memory in memory-mapped mode. When done, the application itself starts up and runs. If you want to know more about the boot ROM, refer to this article.
On STM32N6 MCUs, the first-stage bootloader (FSBL) must be signed, so the boot ROM can execute it in a secured-locked state. To ensure that the FSBL signature is done correctly, the user can request the boot ROM traces, which are stored in AXISRAM2.
The FSBL layout includes several key components: the image header, base header, authentication process, and padding. These elements work together to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the boot process. The outlook is described by this image:
The image header contains metadata about the FSBL, such as its size, version, and entry point. This information is used by the boot ROM to load and execute the FSBL correctly.
The base header provides additional configuration details, including memory addresses and security settings. It ensures that the FSBL is loaded into the correct memory location and that any necessary security measures are applied.
The authentication process verifies the integrity and authenticity of the FSBL. This is typically done using cryptographic techniques, such as digital signatures, to ensure that the FSBL has not been tampered with.
Padding is used to align the FSBL image to specific memory boundaries. This ensures that the FSBL is loaded correctly and can be executed without any issues.
The FSBL can be used in several different ways, each suited to specific application requirements. The following sections describe the various modes supported by the FSBL.
In the basic load and run mode, the boot ROM fetches the FSBL from external flash memory. The FSBL in this case is not only responsible for initializing the system, but also contains the application code, which has its execution from the same SRAM address. This mode is used in approximately 90% of the examples available in the STM32Cube_FW_N6. The main limitation is that the entire code cannot surpass 511 KB. This size limitation happens because the boot ROM copies at most 512 KB. The first 1 KB is reserved for the headers, authentication padding.
This is the simplified diagram on the usual steps:
When in DEV mode and with some linker script adjustments, the programmer can load the FSBL code directly into the SRAM memory. It facilitates the debug process, as it skips the need to program the external memory.
In this mode, the boot ROM fetches the FSBL from external flash memory. The FSBL then fetches a second binary stored in an external flash and copies it into an internal SRAM. Once the binary is loaded, the FSBL jumps to the application code for execution. This mode is applicable to a few examples available in the STM32Cube_FW_N6. The interesting aspect is that the 511 KB size limitation is no longer applicable, as the user code can be placed in the remaining area of the internal RAM.
With some adjustments on the application side, it is even possible to have the copied FSBL at boot ROM time to be erase-overwritten to allow a contiguous firmware loading in SRAM. With such a config, the largest firmware load in SRAM is possible from flexRAM area up to SRAM7.
In the XiP mode, the boot ROM fetches the FSBL from external flash memory. The FSBL configures the external memory in XiP mode and then jumps to the application code stored in external memory for execution. This mode is also applicable to a few examples.
In this mode, same as all others, the boot ROM fetches the FSBL from external flash memory and copies the code into internal SRAM. The FSBL then fetches two binaries stored in external flash: one for the secure application and one for the nonsecure application. The FSBL copies both binaries into internal SRAM, each one in different address regions, and then jumps to the secure application for execution. This mode is very similar to the regular load and run.
This mode is not a code example available as part of the regular offering in the driver. However, the same approach can be done to have the application code executing from PSRAM instead of the NOR. Once again, the boot ROM fetches the FSBL from external FLASH and copies its content to the internal RAM. From this point, the FSBL can map the two external memories, NOR, and PSRAM and have both configured in memory-mapped mode. This allows the FSBL to copy the application code from NOR to PSRAM.
Once the process is completed, the FSBL jumps to PSRAM, from where the application code will be executed. The main attention point needed in this case is to properly configure the MPU to ensure a proper copy.
This article assumes you have installed STM32CubeMX, the latest version of the STM32N6 HAL driver and STM32CubeIDE. The hardware used to showcase is the STM32N6570-DK and make sure you have it in DEV boot mode:
Refer to the readme.html of the project, which will give you all the information. To summarize, the USART1 is configured in asynchronous mode with GPIO’s PE5 (USART1_TX) and PE6 (USART1_RX) configured. PE5 and PE6 are connected to ST-LINK that acts as virtual COM port (VCP). The application counts the number of bytes that are received. Once it has received 10 bytes, it sets the LED1 ON and outputs a message [Example Finished].
The overview is quite simple. Once the program loads the code, the boot ROM jumps to the internal RAM address From there, the FSBL code acts as shown below:
To get started, open STM32CubeIDE and import the example available in this folder C:\Users\%username%\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_N6_V1.0.0\Projects\STM32N6570-DK\Examples\UART\UART_HyperTerminal_IT/STM32CubeIDE
Once imported, it is worth noting that the linker script of the demo already is prepared to have the FSBL positioned in the AXSRAM2 region. It divides the 511 KB region into ROM (255 KB) and RAM (256 KB). From this point, just build the project and you are ready to debug and see it execute.
Press the NRST button to reset the device and ensure it is in DEV boot mode. Then select [Debug As] [STM32 C/C++ Application]. Keep the debugger with the default settings, and click [OK] in the launch configuration to load the firmware
After establishing ST-LINK GDB server connection and programming, the internal SRAM2 STM32CubeIDE switches to the debugger perspective and halts the debugger at the beginning of the main() function.
Before executing the code, make sure you have your preferred terminal these settings: 115200/7/Odd/1Stop/No Flow control. From this point, resume the firmware execution and type your 10 characters. LD1 stops blinking and is turns on statically once completed.
The FSBL is a versatile and essential component of the STM32N6 boot process. It supports various boot modes and configurations, ensuring a secure and reliable startup for different application requirements. By understanding the FSBL layout and its main features, developers can effectively utilize the FSBL to meet their specific needs.