on 2025-02-10 4:47 AM
The STM32N6 boot ROM is a critical component that initiates the boot process for the STM32N6 microcontroller. It performs various functions such as system initialization, reset source detection, and boot memory device selection. It supports various external memory devices and facilitates code downloading over serial interfaces like USART and USB. The boot ROM ensures a secure boot process, image authentication, and optional image decryption. During development, the DEV boot mode allows for direct execution of applications or the FSBL from internal RAM, aiding in debugging and testing.
This article explains how the boot ROM works in the STM32N6 microcontroller, which is based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55 core. We look at what the boot ROM does, how it interacts with other parts of the system, and how it helps get your microcontroller up and running.
The boot ROM is the first code that runs when the STM32N6 is powered on or reset. It lives in the on-chip ROM and kicks off the boot process. Here are its main capabilities:
When the STM32N6 starts, the boot ROM follows a specific sequence of steps. It initializes the system, checks the reset source, selects the boot device, and performs secure boot authentication if needed. During development, you can use the DEV boot mode to make debugging easier.
The boot ROM code flow diagram shows the main activities and possible branches. All possible sequence of steps taken during the boot process, including system initialization, reset source detection, boot device selection, secure boot authentication, and image loading. This is the treasure map on how the boot ROM works. During most of the development phase, the user is in DEV boot mode. This is achieved by using the BOOT pins on the hardware level to make a particular branch path. The image below shows the boot ROM overview:
The DEV boot allows the debug to work, and we can activate it by setting the BOOT1 pin to VDDIO. The BOOT0 pin state does not matter to enter this mode.
The boot ROM runs whenever the STM32N6 is reset. It can handle different types of resets, such as system resets and key provisioning resets. The boot configuration is determined by the register bits BOOTSR[0:1], which reflect the level of the external boot pins as latched at reset. Which means that the BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins are read during a system reset, not just upon a power cycle.
Depending on the detected type of reset, different branches within the boot ROM code implementation are executed. The following logical reset types are applicable and distinguished by the boot ROM code:
The dev boot mode is executed only in the CLOSED_UNLOCKED life cycle, protecting assets and reopening debug secure and nonsecure.
The blocking failure scenario occurs during boot ROM code execution if an error happens, clearing and locking sensitive data, and sending UART status traces.
The DEV boot mode can be utilized during the development phase to execute applications or the FSBL directly from RAM. This mode is executed only in the CLOSED_UNLOCKED life cycle. Additional information on the life cycle is mentioned later in this article. In this scenario, the boot ROM code protects its assets, reopens the debug secure and nonsecure, and then goes into an endless loop. As mentioned, the DEV boot mode is selected using the Boot1 pin.
Another useful feature is that by using the DEV boot mode. Developers can directly load and execute applications or the FSBL from the internal RAM to facilitate the debugging experience and test during the development phase.
The boot memory device is the external flash memory device attached to the STM32N6 MCU on which the First stage bootloader (FSBL) is located. This means that the boot ROM can load the FSBL from various external memory devices, including:
The boot ROM code handles its data in the AXI SRAM2 internal RAM by configuring the RISAF2 hardware functional block, which is dedicated to RISAF for AXI SRAM2 internal memory. The boot ROM code configures seven regions inside RISAF2 and dynamically sets each region depending on the boot ROM code phase being executed. This means that it uses the AXI SRAM2 internal RAM to handle its data and configures the RISAF2 hardware block to manage memory regions dynamically. The layout of this internal RAM for the STM32N6 project is as follows:
Key memory areas to remember are:
The boot ROM code uses the 512KB area in the AXI SRAM2 to store the FSBL image. This area is crucial in order to load the FSBL from an external boot memory device into the internal RAM, where it can be executed. The download buffer header, located at 0x34180200, is used to store the header information of the downloaded FSBL image. This header includes metadata such as the image length, entry point, and other relevant details required for the boot process.
The life cycle defines the states that determine the behavior and available features of the STM32N6 MCU device during the different steps of its life. The value of fuses determines the life cycle state. The BSEC function controls these fuses. The boot ROM code follows this life cycle to provide the expected features according to the life cycle state.
The boot ROM code provides functionality for downloading code over a serial boot interface into the internal RAM of the STM32N6 MCU. Typically, downloading code over a serial boot interface is used to update the FSBL stored on a flash-type attached boot memory device. The boot ROM code supports the following types of serial boot interfaces:
The boot ROM code oversees the first stage in the trust chain, implementing a secure boot process that includes parameter checks, image authentication, and jumping to the payload.
The boot ROM code checks all parameters needed for authentication. This includes the presence of headers extension flag, verifying headers parameters and geometry, and ensuring the image version is equal to or greater than the OTP monotonic counter.
The image authentication process includes signature verification, key revocation, image decryption, and FSBL version update.
The boot ROM code implements ECDSA 256 and ECDSA 384 algorithm sequences for signature verification.
If the signature verification is successful, the boot ROM code applies key revocation as required.
The boot ROM code follows a sequence for FSBL decryption, including deriving the decryption key, decrypting the FSBL, calculating the plain FSBL SHA256, and comparing the 128 MSB bits.
If the FSBL version is higher than the OTP monotonic counter, the boot ROM code updates the OTP to match the FSBL version.
The boot ROM code manages errors and traces, using a dedicated GPIO to communicate statuses and writing binary traces to memory. In case of a blocking failure, the boot ROM code writes a UART log error to the debug GPIO pin. Note that PG10 (AF11) is connected to BOOTFAILED, so you can see a toggle LED in case of failure.
The STM32N6 boot ROM is essential to start the microcontroller. It initializes the system, handles resets, selects the boot device, and ensures a secure boot process. During development, the DEV boot mode makes debugging easier. The boot ROM supports various memory devices and serial interfaces, providing flexibility and security for your applications.