3:24 AM
- edited on
9:04 AM
The STEVAL-IDB012V1 includes a CMSIS-DAP debugger and programmer. It has support for USB to UART I/O communication, virtual COM port, and drag and drop programming functionality.
For quick and easy application prototyping and debugging, out of the box users may easily connect and use the on-board CMSIS-DAP. With a few on-board modifications, users can use an external SWD programmer / debugger tool such as Segger’s J-Link.
In this article, we cover the modifications required to disconnect the STEVAL-IDB012V1’s on-board CMSIS-DAP from the BlueNRG-LPS MCU. Instead, we connect the MCU to a Segger J-Link debug probe.
On the STEVAL-IDB012V1 board, the JP3, JP4, and JP5 jumpers should be removed to disconnect the CMSIS-DAP SWCLK, SWDIO, and RSTN pins from the respective BlueNRG-LPS pins.
STEVAL-IDB012V1 Jumpers Removal
On the STEVAL-IDB012V1 board, connect the BlueNRG-LPS SWD pins (left-hand side of CN7) and CN2 GND & VBAT pins to the following pins on the J-Link debug probe.
Signal | STEVAL-IDB012V1 | J-Link debug probe |
Pin 8 – CN7 (SWCLK) |
Pin 9 – SWCLK / TCK |
Pin 7 – CN2 (GND) |
Pin 4 - GND |
Pin 6 – CN7 (SWDIO) |
Pin 7 – SWDIO / TMS |
Pin 10 – CN7 (RSTN) |
Pin 15 - NRST |
Pin 4 – CN2 (VBAT) |
Pin 1 - VTREF |
STEVAL-IDB012V1 J-Link Connection
Now, power the J-Link debug probe and power the STEVAL-IDB012V1 via the USB Type-C® port.
Launch your J-Link software and connect. Congratulations! You have successfully established a connection between the BlueNRG-LPS on the EVAL board and the Segger J-Link debug probe.
The J-Link debug probe can also be extended to connect to other BlueNRG and STM32 boards. For more information on this and the connection details, visit Segger’s wiki article on Connecting to STM32 Nucleo Boards.
Visit this article if you are looking for the same method using the STEVAL-IDB011V1/V2.
How to connect a J-Link debug probe to the STEVAL-IDB011V1/V2?