2023-06-21 5:24 AM
I have a problem with STM32WB55 USB dongle Nucleo. After adding some code (according to: AN5289 Building wireless applications with STM32WB series MCUs, https://stcommunity.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-run-a-ble-p2p-server-simultaneously-with-usb-cdc-on/ta-p/49433, https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/Category:Bluetooth_Low_Energy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_wBH7mTQ2g&list=PLnMKNibPkDnG9JRe2fbOOpVpWY7E4WbJ-) Nucleo board randomly stops appearing in available Bluetooth device list after reattach to PC USB port. I have to then plug/unplug this device as many times as I will see device on Bluetooth device list. I enabled log tracing BT Application stack and the logs are the same with discoverable BT device on available BT device list and when the device is not discoverable (even if the App stack log says otherwise).
Log below.
[app_entry.c][APPE_SysUserEvtRx][360] Wireless Firmware version 1.16.0
[app_entry.c][APPE_SysUserEvtRx][361] Wireless Firmware build 4
[app_entry.c][APPE_SysUserEvtRx][362] FUS version 1.2.0
[app_entry.c][APPE_SysUserEvtRx][364] >>== SHCI_SUB_EVT_CODE_READY
[app_entry.c][APPE_SysEvtReadyProcessing][450] >>== WIRELESS_FW_RUNNING
[app_entry.c][APPE_SysEvtReadyProcessing][474] >>== DBGMCU_GetRevisionID= 2003
[app_entry.c][APPE_SysEvtReadyProcessing][479] >>== DBGMCU_GetDeviceID= 495
[app_ble.c][APP_BLE_Init][332] Success: SHCI_C2_BLE_Init command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][708] ==>> Start Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init function
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][721] Success: hci_reset command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][735] Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command - CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][736] Public Bluetooth Address: 00:80:e1:27:73:6d
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][814] Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command - CONFIG_DATA_IR_OFFSET
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][827] Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command - CONFIG_DATA_ER_OFFSET
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][840] Success: aci_hal_set_tx_power_level command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][853] Success: aci_gatt_init command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][889] Success: aci_gap_init command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][927] Success: hci_le_set_default_phy command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][941] Success: aci_gap_set_io_capability command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][972] Success: aci_gap_set_authentication_requirement command
[app_ble.c][Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init][990] ==>> End Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init function
[custom_stm.c][SVCCTL_InitCustomSvc][285] Success: aci_gatt_add_service command: METER_SVC
[custom_stm.c][SVCCTL_InitCustomSvc][307] Success: aci_gatt_add_char command : PUSH_DATA
[app_ble.c][APP_BLE_Init][372] Success: aci_hal_set_radio_activity_mask command
[app_ble.c][Adv_Request][1016] ==>> aci_gap_set_discoverable - Success
[app_ble.c][Adv_Request][1027] ==>> Success: Start Fast Advertising
I also upload to this case proof of that in some cases this device is discoverable, FUS info read via ST Link nad .ioc project file - maybe it can somehow help get information what peripherals I use.
Is there a way to somehow check why it is happening? Maybe combination of some registers?
Shall I upload something else to this case?
Best Regards,
Michał Dunajski
2023-09-15 12:07 PM - edited 2023-09-15 12:08 PM
Your case is being reviewed within the online support system. Thank you for sharing your topic here.
Kind Regards
STMicro Support