2023-01-08 05:27 PM
I want to change the mode of iBeacon (M0+) to server or client through button switch while Cortex-M4 is running
Hardware initialization or rtc initialization should not be performed when the corresponding function is operating.
2023-01-11 01:24 AM
The STM32WB support multiple roles, so your device can be client and server at the same time. You don't need to re initialize the HW.
Best Regards
2023-01-11 03:12 PM
Can you provide an example or reference document where you are both server and client at the same time as you said?
2023-01-16 02:39 AM
You can look BLE_p2pRouteur example available in STM32CubeWB package. In this application, the STM32WB is Gatt Server and Gatt Client at the same time.
Best Regards