2019-11-07 1:16 PM
I've been tasked with figuring out how to get a mobile app to communicate with an MCU then in turn control a stepper motor. Right now I'm trying to get the WiFi module (ESP8266-01) and MCU (NUCLEO-F030R8) to play nice with each other. The catch is I have little to no experience and no education in this field. The closest experience I have is simple Arduino sketches from years ago (IE photo-resistor values driving a stepper motor) and making desktop applications with C#. I am using STM32CubeIDE but if there's a better option I can switch to that.
What I would very much like help on is send and receive simple data between a smartphone and the MCU via the WiFi module. I understand this is probably a large topic in its own right and a short blurb on the internet won't do it (and undoubtedly its multiple subcategories) justice. But I might as well ask.
Sorry if this is too much and thank you in advance.