2019-08-05 5:40 AM
I wrote a code using an uart with a circular Rx dma and idle interupt to communicate with a sensor. The config is working fine alone and now i want to include it into the project End Node form the LoRa package. But i cannot figure out why it's not working.
I am able to send characters with the UART but i can't recieve anything from the DMA.
If i disable my dma and use the uart in polling mode for reception it is working fine but when i add the dma nothing append.
I am working with the STM32L073RZ and expension board SX1272MB2DAS.
The uart i want to use is the USART4 with rs485 flow control (Tx => PC10, Rx=>PC11, DE=>PA15) . I checked, there is no GPIO conflict with the expension board.
Any ideas for a solution? I feel like there could be some conflicts with the DMA since it's use for vcom. Or maybe there is an other file in the loRa stack i need to modify ?