2022-02-25 2:54 AM
2022-03-03 12:55 AM
Examples of extended advertising are not yet available, for release v1.14.0 planned to June 2022 two examples will be provided BLE_p2pServer_Ext and BLE_p2pClient_Ext.
A wiki page about extended advertising feature will be available soon:
Best Regards
2022-03-11 6:18 AM
Hi @Remy ISSALYS thank you for your response. I think there is some confusion between FUS start address based on recent update on https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/Connectivity:STM32WB_FUS which says
0x080F4000. But in previous release notes, it was always
0x080EC000, even in patch release on 09th Feb, 2022. Could you please clarify this? I am asking with respect to FUS for Extended Advertisement.
2022-03-11 9:01 AM
0x080F4000 is the FUS execution address and 0x080EC000 is the FUS download address.
Best Regards