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Example P2PSERV not working

Associate II

Hi everyone, I work on WB55Nucleos code works in one but not in the other. I use the example P2PSERV code. Working one led blinking but other one led don't blinking. I upgrade fus and other drivers in not working one. What will be the problem? Code is the same. Working one Fus version is 0.5.3.

ST Employee

To avoid any issue, please use the latest WB FW package v 1.13 and updated the current FUS which is the very first version with the most recent which is part of this package. This is mandatory for any application of the package to be decrypted correctly with the right key handled by the relevant FUS.

Associate II

Thanks for your answer. But old version (FUS 0.5.3) card is working. I use WB FW package v 1.13 . My new upgraded card doesn't work. When I debugging code doesn't crushed both of these card. In P2PSRV application in while(1) loop it doesn't crushed. Why led don't blinking ? I will work on custom board. On custom board problem same as don't blinking card.

Associate II

@Remi QUINTIN​ 0693W00000GZkNoQAL.png

ST Employee

FUS version is OK.

Are you connecting your Nucleo board via the ST_LINK connector or via the USB_USER connector?

Are programming your board using the CLI mode or the GUI mode of CubeProgrammer tool?

Associate II

I use ST_LINK and GUI Mode @Remi QUINTIN​