2021-08-27 3:17 AM
I'm trying to display the temperature values ranging from -40 to +40 on TEXT PROGRESS in TouchGFX designer. Unfortunately, the values range only starts from 0.
Can anyone help me with this? I'll be very grateful.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-08-27 5:21 AM
You cannot directly work with negative values with a Text Progress widget. What I suggest to do is create your own Text progress by using a Box Progress widget instead and adding text over it with a textArea widget. That way you can display whatever text you need. For the box progress widget, if you need to go from -40 to 40degrees, then I would set the minimal value to 0 and the maximum value to 81 (-40 to 40 but dont forget the 0 degree value).
2021-08-27 5:21 AM
You cannot directly work with negative values with a Text Progress widget. What I suggest to do is create your own Text progress by using a Box Progress widget instead and adding text over it with a textArea widget. That way you can display whatever text you need. For the box progress widget, if you need to go from -40 to 40degrees, then I would set the minimal value to 0 and the maximum value to 81 (-40 to 40 but dont forget the 0 degree value).
2021-08-31 12:22 AM
Hi Romain,
Thanks for your kind guidance. This is a great suggestion but I want to make one thing more clearer that how come the TextArea widget will update the text i.e. when the temperature will change for e.g. 15 C to 18 C ?
I also understand that the box Progress widget will update according to the values but I want to display temperature values if this makes sense.
I will be very grateful for your feedback.
2021-08-31 2:20 AM
2021-09-01 10:59 PM
Hi Romain,
Really appreciate that I have managed to display the required values.
2021-10-06 7:47 AM
Hi Romain,
One more question regarding TouchGFX, when I import an image in touch gfx, it generates the correctly but in STM32 IDE, this error comes "undefined reference to `image_icon_hourglass' ".
TouchGFX is generating the code fine.
Your kind comments will be very helpful.
2021-10-07 4:09 AM
Where is this error faced ? Can you run on target from TouchGFX or do you just generate code from it ?
What you could try to do within STM32CubeIDE is to clean and re build. Try to delete the generated folder in the tree view of your project in CubeIDE.
2021-10-08 3:41 AM
Hi Romain,
Really appreciate your response.
It's been fixed, just needed to enable the automatically generate makefiles.