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STM32H7S78-DK 1280x400 TFT

fabio frasi
Associate II

i'm referring to the STM32H7S78-DK which specifically mounts the new STM32H7S7L8 mcu there is the possibility of driving a 1280x400 rgb 888 or RGB 565 tft display using a double frame buffer with reasonable performance  we can carry out an example (FPS) calculation using the PSRAM installed on the board for the frame buffer or identifying any unsolvable limit  how much processor time should I expect to lose in the GUI

ST Employee

Hello @fabio frasi ,


"how much processor time should I expect to lose in the GUI?"

As you seems to know, the chip embed a graphical accelerator (NeoChrom), so the MCU load of the graphics should be very limited as the load is on the graphic accelerator.

How much MCU load is taken exactly depends on your application but on our complete demo, it takes more or less 10% while having fades and animations.

This is one of our most powerful chip, it is cortex-M7, has high frequency (600MHz) and graphic accelerator, so you should not encounter performance issue.


"we can carry out an example (FPS) calculation using the PSRAM installed on the board for the frame buffer"

If you have an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer you can definitely run some test.



If this comment answers your question, I invite you to select it as "best answer".



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
ST Employee

Hello @fabio frasi ,


Have you been able to move forward regarding your question?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)