2020-01-22 05:56 PM
I have switched from TouchGFX 4.12 to the latest 4.13.0.
At the TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp, I found a following line in the
void TouchGFXGeneratedHAL::initialize() function.
uint32_t frameBuf[(800 * 480 * 2 + 3) / 4] LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE("TouchGFX_Framebuffer");
(The actual number of allocation is depends on LCD width, height, and bit depth)
This is not in the old version, for example at the file, STM32H7HAL.cpp
Since the allocation uses too much RAM, I am facing linker error.
Are there any ways to fix the problem?
2020-01-22 10:17 PM
I found former project uses SDRAM. This question is based on many misunderstandings. Sorry for bothering this forum.