2020-06-21 8:51 PM
I am trying to interface an OPTREX 20434 LCD with my STM32F407 Discovery board. Here is a link to my source code https://github.com/humbleseekre/STM32F4XX_Driver_Dev.git
Below are the steps I tried to debug this issue:
/*-----------------------LDC PIN OUT BOARD CONNECTION----------------------------------/
* VSS (0 volts or GND)
* VCC (+5 volts DC)
* VEE (I’m using 0 volts i.e GND)
* PE1 -> EN
* PE0 -> RS
* PD12 -> RW
* --------
* PB12 -> D0
* PB13 -> D1
* PB14 -> D2
* PB15 -> D3
* PD08 -> D4
* PD09 -> D5
* PD10 -> D6
* PD11 -> D7
6. Currently I don't have access to a logic analyzer or to an oscilloscope to see if GPIO are toggling as expected and if they are meeting the timing.
7. Please help me review the changes and any help in fixing this issue will be appreciated
PS: I have leveraged code bits and pieces of my code from lcd driver available on internet. Please excuse me for not referencing the original authors of the code snippets that I have used in my code