2023-02-24 2:31 AM
When moving the application across touchgfx versions, I am seeing unresolved dependencies for the aforementioned class. Is there any documented solution to this class and its base class?
2023-02-27 3:08 AM
Hello rohan_m,
Could you please share your project, so we could try to reproduce the issue?
2023-03-01 5:48 AM
This I am getting when I am exporting custom containers in version 4.20
And I am getting for 4 other containers
2023-03-01 5:49 AM
What needs to be done for a possible workaround that I need to know
2023-03-01 5:52 AM
2023-03-01 5:54 AM
2023-03-01 9:13 AM
It seems that you have this typography 'system_info_values' allready in the project you are importing to. This import containers- function cannot handle same typography name in the widget you are importing and orignal project (at least in the latest version it dont work, there comes this conflict).
I guess only way is to rename typography 'system_info_values' to for example 'system_info_values2'. Then after importing you can set all necessary reources to use 'system_info_values' and remove 'system_info_values2' typography.
2023-03-01 9:54 PM
This typography needs to be edited via the touchgfx software or manually I am not getting the idea ....
2023-03-01 11:36 PM
In tgfx designer - Texts - Typographies change the names for typographies which are same in original and imported project.
2023-03-07 2:12 AM