2020-03-16 8:11 AM
My application does NOT include a touchsreen. User input is via external hw buttons.
I have a ScollableContainer I wish to scroll via buttons.
So far I have been scrolling the containers contents with the method ScrollableContainer::moveChildrenRelative(int16_t deltaX, int16_t deltaY) , but this does not allow for animations/ easing.
Can the containers children be moved with:
startMoveAnimation(int16_t endX, int16_t endY, uint16_t duration, EasingEquation xProgressionEquation = &EasingEquations::linearEaseNone, EasingEquation yProgressionEquation = &EasingEquations::linearEaseNone)
If so then how?
Thanx for any assistance
2020-03-18 1:20 AM
There is animateToItem() function, I use that. Something like this:
if (selectedMenuitem > scrollpos)
scrollList1.animateToItem(selectedMenuitem, 10);
scrollpos += 1;