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Discovery ST32F469I board and cube f4 demonstration example.

Associate II

After I installed Atollic True Studio I have tried to load the demonstration example program that is coming with Discovery F469I board.

After I struggle with the build of the program, I discover that I have to mode in the root directory of the content of the cubef4 package and even so some time it doesn't index all the files when I am converting from SW4STM32. After I am managing to build the program, that is taking a looong time to do this, even with parallel build and trying a fee times to enter in debug mode, the graphical images are distorted and blurry.

The touch screen it does respond and the application in the back it seems to work.

Does somebody have any idea what is happening ?


Senior III

Hi. Atollic Studio does not integrate well with the current release of the CubeMX, TouchGFX package. At this time, the SW4STM32 and IAR are working ok but still require some work arounds as you are observing. Please review through this forum to see the user supplied documentation on how to get up and running. Keil and Atollic are being worked on for a later release - that is my understanding.

However, it appear that you are getting close on your display. Perhaps review the clock rate to the display. Also consider to swap the x, y resolution (landscape vs. portrait) to see the results.

Please review this document that may help your project:

There are other user submitted articles on this forum so please do post your results if you have a working solution.

Hope this helps.

Graphics are probably being held in external memory device, make sure all memory is being written properly, not just internal memory. Check for external loaders, etc. Look at using ST-LINK Utilities if appropriate.

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Thank you both for the reply.

I tried this weekend to play with the rest of the examples from cube 4f. Most of them are working include those related to the display modes of operation (e.g. double buffer, benchmark). Same behavior have the second demonstration app TouchGFX, it does load but the icons are not displayed correctly.

Also I tried to download the .hex file from the unmodified archive of cube 4f using ST-LINK utility and same results.

I have to mention that I am a newbie regarding ARM microcontroller and I buy this board for the high number of examples and board capabilities/features.

Taking out this problems, I can say that for the moment TrueStudio and the Discovery board didn't disappoint me. I am waiting for a new release perhaps the problem will be solved or if I am lucky I will find the issue by myself.

Thank you.