2016-09-07 6:24 AM
Hi, I'm using a local 3rd party evaluation board(waveshare--open103z) which use the STM32F103Z for the core controller. And I connect a LCD display module(HY32D) whose display chip is ILI9325. Now I wanna display a BMP picture on LCD, is there any example source code or library I can reference? Currently I can just only display character or strings. Thanks!
#stm32f103z #tft-lcd2016-09-07 9:34 AM
Look at this application note which provides a TFT LCD interfacing example.You can refer to one of the many examples within the STM32CubeF4 firmware package and get inspired from them to develop your application:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Applications\DisplayRegards