2023-03-18 3:54 AM
Hi I hove something trobels with writing data after erease. I have only option bank and page erease and nothing other. I doing a bank1 erease and after this tryuing to write something whith is complitly not writing to memeory. Only on another compilation if memory is eresed I have data writen. How to clean and then write data? Im writing a uint16_t like a doble word, also I have only duble word. This making me cry, plese help just make a data rewrite, like it should be. I not wish have additional function for erease. Many thanks.
#define FLASH_START_ADDRESS 0x08010000
// Function to erase the flash memory
void erase_flash()
// Unlock the flash memory for writing
// Initialize the erase configuration structure
FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef erase_init;
erase_init.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_MASSERASE; // Mass erase the flash memory
erase_init.Banks = FLASH_BANK_1; // Select the bank of the flash memory to erase
// Perform the erase operation and store any errors
uint32_t flash_error;
HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&erase_init, &flash_error);
// Lock the flash memory after erasing is complete
// Function to write data to the flash memory
void write_flash(uint16_t *data, uint32_t size)
// Unlock the flash memory for writing
// Iterate over the array of data and write each element to the flash memory
uint32_t i, flash_error;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
// Convert the 16-bit data to a 64-bit value and write it to the flash memory
uint64_t value = *(data + i);
// Handle any errors that occur during the write operation
if (flash_error != HAL_OK)
// Insert code to handle the error here
// Lock the flash memory after writing is complete
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-03-18 6:28 AM
Try, put what you want in a structure, pass in casted base address of structure, and size in bytes
* @brief Gets the page of a given address
* @param Addr: Address of the FLASH Memory
* @retval The page of a given address
static uint32_t GetPage(uint32_t Addr) // Single Bank Device
return((Addr - FLASH_BASE) / FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
// Function to write data to the flash memory
// BYTE pointer, Size in BYTES, put what you want in a STRUCTURE
void write_flash(uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef EraseInitStruct = {0};
uint32_t addr = FLASH_START_ADDRESS; // 64-bit aligned
uint64_t value;
uint32_t PageError;
size = (size + 7) & ~7; // Round to 64-bit words
// Unlock the flash memory for writing
/* Clear OPTVERR bit set on virgin samples */
/* Fill EraseInit structure, spanning size of write operation */
EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES;
EraseInitStruct.Banks = FLASH_BANK_1;
EraseInitStruct.Page = GetPage(addr); // Starting Page
EraseInitStruct.NbPages = GetPage(addr + size) - EraseInitStruct.Page + 1; // Page Count, at least 1
if (HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &PageError) != HAL_OK)
// Insert code to handle the error here
size /= sizeof(uint64_t); // Byte count to 64-bit word count
// Iterate over the array of data and write each element to the flash memory
memcpy(&value, data, sizeof(uint64_t)); // alignment safe copy of byte array into 64-bit value
// Insert code to handle the error here
addr += sizeof(uint64_t); // Advance address
data += sizeof(uint64_t); // Advance byte buffer
// Lock the flash memory after writing is complete
2023-03-18 6:28 AM
Try, put what you want in a structure, pass in casted base address of structure, and size in bytes
* @brief Gets the page of a given address
* @param Addr: Address of the FLASH Memory
* @retval The page of a given address
static uint32_t GetPage(uint32_t Addr) // Single Bank Device
return((Addr - FLASH_BASE) / FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
// Function to write data to the flash memory
// BYTE pointer, Size in BYTES, put what you want in a STRUCTURE
void write_flash(uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef EraseInitStruct = {0};
uint32_t addr = FLASH_START_ADDRESS; // 64-bit aligned
uint64_t value;
uint32_t PageError;
size = (size + 7) & ~7; // Round to 64-bit words
// Unlock the flash memory for writing
/* Clear OPTVERR bit set on virgin samples */
/* Fill EraseInit structure, spanning size of write operation */
EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES;
EraseInitStruct.Banks = FLASH_BANK_1;
EraseInitStruct.Page = GetPage(addr); // Starting Page
EraseInitStruct.NbPages = GetPage(addr + size) - EraseInitStruct.Page + 1; // Page Count, at least 1
if (HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &PageError) != HAL_OK)
// Insert code to handle the error here
size /= sizeof(uint64_t); // Byte count to 64-bit word count
// Iterate over the array of data and write each element to the flash memory
memcpy(&value, data, sizeof(uint64_t)); // alignment safe copy of byte array into 64-bit value
// Insert code to handle the error here
addr += sizeof(uint64_t); // Advance address
data += sizeof(uint64_t); // Advance byte buffer
// Lock the flash memory after writing is complete