2017-09-24 2:23 PM
I want to write and read file using FATFS and USB DÄ°SK Host Only middlewares on stm32f411ve but the processor jumps to hard fault when it makes 'f_open(&MyFile,'example.txt',FA_CREATE_ALWAYS|FA_WRITE)!=FR_OK' code. I don't understand why it does, one could run the app on that i watched video.
2017-09-24 6:35 PM
Try examining the instructions that are actually faulting, determine why from the code and the registers. Use a Hard Fault Handler that does more than while(1);
Big enough stack? Errant pointer?
2017-09-25 12:51 AM
How can i determine why from the code and the registers. I think it's due to the registers. Because it has jumped to memory management handler.