2011-03-21 2:09 PM
We got the LED Moving Message Evaluation Board from ST. The processor board is STEVAL-ILL024V1 - It is easy to get the schematic and parts list for it, but I really need to get the project files and source code to do something similar for a product. for the last two weeks, the tech support I have called have not gotten back to me. Does anyone have a zip file of all the project files to build the firmware for this.
thanks in advance, Eric Krieg erick (at) sapling-inc dot com #steval-ill024v1-source-code2011-03-22 11:32 AM
Just a note for anyone looking for the source code and project files for the LED Moving Message Eval Board: STEVAL-ILL024V1 - I finally got the project files and source code. I can pass them along to anyone else who needs them.
erickrieg at verizon. net2014-07-22 10:16 AM
Hi Eric,
Is your offer still valid? We bought an ILL024V1/ILL024V2 pair, and can't do much more than looking at it.And ST support stays muted.Thanks forward, all the bestRobert2014-07-22 1:06 PM
He posted 3 messages 3+ years ago, best just send the email and see.