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What is good to use for a “monitoring system�?? That is also going to have video feeds?

Associate II

I want to create a localhost that my client can easily see a custom page on, that is displaying all the data from fish tanks. Such as, temperatures, water levels and more.

What products would be ideal to use? A NUCLEO-f767Zl???


then theres the app that can display data,

is that ideal to use that?


Wouldn't an RPi do a better job?

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Well, for “viewing�?, the feed yes, BUT, what components of ST would be good to use?

Where's the video feed coming from in the context of the original question?

The RPi provides for a camera and ethernet connection. I'd imagine someone already created an IPCAM

Are you trying to provide the data via a webpage? Embedding the data text in the image/captions real time?

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The video is coming from a ESP32-CAM, then the Raspberrypi 4 is the receiver to display it, BUT,

I’m wanting to add a temperature reading and also options for controllers to feed latter on.

The F767ZI, kinda seems like it adds more options, for communicating for automation?

would the F767ZI be better as a server? For the Pi4 as the receiver?

Associate III

Why not just run a web page on the ESP32?

Because i wan to have a temperature sensors and a video stream going to one web page. But, i also want to implement a user input to feed fish by the UI, latter adding relays

ESP32 an do all of that. Even if you need to use several units because you want different functions in different places, you are better off sticking with one processor or board type for simplicity of development. Perhaps you should post a system block diagram to show what you are trying to do.

What board do you recommend?

I want to create a custom UI to load on i think a Pi Zero, with a touch screen, that will display all the data thats being collected per tank.

So i should look at getting more ESP32 to submit data per tank?

But, where would my STM boards i got, work better?

I saw boards that have a touch screen already in place, is that better?

Thank you