2016-08-04 5:33 PM
I have an STM32F416 embedded in a USB device that I want to act like a keyboard device when plugged in to a PC. I'm using the STM32Cube USB device library and the UM1734 documentation. In the documentation it says:
''The HID stack is initialized by calling the USBD_HID_Init(),'' [sic]So I tried calling that function and got both an undeclared function warning and a link error. When I looked at the source code for the library, I found that the USBD_HID_Init function was not declared in usbd_hid.h. Moreover, in usbd_hid.c the function is declared:static uint8_t USBD_HID_DeInit (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev,
uint8_t cfgidx)
So this function cannot be called externally. There seems to be a total mismatch between the documentation and the code here. What am I missing?2016-08-05 9:34 AM
Figured it out. The static functions are exported through an object called USBD_HID. So to call the init function you call USBD_HID.Init(...). The difference is a dot instead of an underscore. The docs are wrong. It's a small typo, but a major change in semantics.
Is there any way to report this to ST? Do ST people read these forums?