2012-06-21 2:56 AM
I am trying to compile some code for the f4 discovery board to send ADC readings to the USB as posted a while ago with the following note:
''This is from an Example of CDC Virtual Com Port on the USB for the Stm32f4Discovery Board.It is modified to continuously output, to the USB Com, the ADC value of PC0 (Pin0 of PortC).''I am trying to compile it myself, merging the standard ST firmware code with a main.c from the new application. However, I find that the usbd_conf.h has been modified, even though it has the same version number (V1.0.0). Neither the version that came with the CDC Virtual Com app (22July2011), or the ST standard one (19Sept2011) is sufficient - in the 22July2011 one there are more definitions than the other, but some missing as well - looks like I have to merge them to stop fatal error messages. I have attached both versions, in case anyone can explain.Tony2012-06-21 5:12 AM
I'd start by using the USB libraries from 2012, and then port in the ADC code.
2012-06-21 6:22 AM
Thanks Clive
But where can I find 2012 USB libraries? - the latest DSP_StdPeripherals doesnt contain any USB libraries. I have just found some USB VCP info on mcu.cz which looks as though it might help - needs study.Tony2012-06-21 8:32 AM
The site is a train wreck, looks pretty, hard to find things quickly/efficiently. Each individual chip has it's own resource tab, but those resources aren't uniformly updated, I end up having to rummage around to find the things I need.
This in fact contains newer firmware library releases than the standalone versions.2012-06-21 10:34 AM
Hi Clive
Thanks for the link - I'm not sure I could have found that without your help. The examples supplied are fantastic - I see there is the 'official' virtual com port example, which I will edit to add the ADC read which I was trying to compile originally. On the subject of searching, there seems to be a problem with the ST forum in that the search box at the top of the screen doesn't seem to find known words - eg if I type in usbd it does not find this topic. Not very helpful!Tony