2015-02-26 6:04 PM
Hi there,
I have the STM32F3 discovery board and running a FreeRTOS.I also have the USB virtual Com port (VCP) code from here: http://www.pezzino.ch/stm32f3-discovery-usb-virtual-com-port/ I have tested the USB VCP library code by itself and it's working.FreeRTOS is running fine as well (I can run a timer task and a task).My problem is when I put them together, the USB is never recognised on the PC side. I think the problem is around the interrupt because I don't seem to get any interrupts when I run with FreeRTOS. I confirmed this by adding a counter in the ISR and debugged it.I've made sure that NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig( NVIC_PriorityGroup_4 ); is called.I'm running ideas of what could be the cause.Has anyone come across this issue? This is my first time using FreeRTOS so maybe I am missing something obvious? Would be appreciated if you could give me a suggestions!Thanks,Aelex2015-03-16 2:59 AM