2012-07-11 6:39 AM
Hello ALL
We have already completed a project with the STM32F It took some time to get up to speed but eventually we did, and completed a complex project. Now we have a project which could work with a similar sized STM32 but with the exception that we need to be able to plug a USB memory stick into the device and have the device save readings onto the USB stick. So now we need an STM32 with a USB host (Im assuming USB OTG wont do as Ive never seen a USB memory stick with an OTG connector) I can see the STM32F107 for the hardware, but it looks like we need to pay for a USB host stack. Is this correct or is there a freeware stack that works? If we have to pay what sort of money are we talking about? Many thanks for any assistance. Denis Many thanks for any help in advance Denis2012-07-12 12:35 PM
The current release of the USB library has examples hosting USB Mass Storage Controller devices and reading with FsFat.
Presumably you'd just stick whatever USB connector you wanted on the board, it's just a bidirectional pair with power. Mash up a couple of cables. Commercially USB stacks perhaps $1500-7500, might be helpful if you need support for hubs or exotic devices and don't want to do everything from scratch, or want development assistance/support.2012-07-12 10:29 PM
STM32F105xx, STM32F107xx, STM32F2xx and STM32F4xx USB
On-The-Go host and device library
Also, some App Notes for IAP using USB Disk AN33542012-07-14 6:54 AM
You might also look at this board from Olimex (STM32-H407), which would be ideal for experimenting with some design/development ideas related to USB, and mass-storage (Micro SD card).
I'd certainly recommend seriously looking at the F2/F4 parts over the F1's as ST has resolved several of the short comings, and pin escape issues.2012-07-14 9:22 AM
Hi Guys
Very helpful input. My main concern and confusion was the USB OTG specification on the software stack. Looks like for my application I can use this stack with a full size host connector on the board. processor pricing is likely to be an issue so I may have to go with the 107 part. Ill have to check out relative pricing. Thanks Again Denis