2017-03-23 1:32 PM
Hi! I'm trying to send some data (or string or anything) from the computer to a Nucleo-64 board, with no luck at all. I can easily retarget the printf and is working perfectly, but it is receiving nothing from the computer. Do anyone have any suggestion? In the specific, I tried with Nucleo-L432, Nucleo-L476, 32L476-Eval.
#serial #uart #upload #download2017-03-23 1:59 PM
Not using any of those parts, but the VCP/USART on the Nucleo-64/144 boards I do use, things work fine.
Check obvious stuff like solder-bridge settings, and the fact the USART is shared with the Shield interface on Nucleo-64 boards.
2017-03-23 3:48 PM
It was a matter of solder bridge settings on the Nucleo-L476, now solved.
For 32L476-EVAL, the VCP is connected to the LPUSART not USART
For Nucleo-L432 still working into, not solved for the moment
2017-09-04 6:06 PM
Presumably you have solved this, but for the benefit of future wanderers, Nucleo-L432 does work fine. The gottcha is that the uart2-rx is on PA15, unlike many of the other boards. This difference will slip up people who have followed tutorials that use more popular boards. Just make sure you make UARTt2-TX = PA2 and UART-RX = PA15, ensure that the NVIC has the interrupts set, then it works with the same code.