2011-11-21 01:06 PM
I have a very big problem. I have change the code and then when I make the board warm to 40�C..60�C, the processor make a reset. If I revert my change, then I can warm up the procoessor like coocing and no reset is coming. I have find the line: Work well: return((UINT16)((tempCount32+2) / 4)); Work not: return((UINT16)((tempCount32+2) >> 2)); But: the processor do not jump into this line!!! Then I want look about the assembler code, but when I add in the makefile: -Wa,-ahlms=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR), $(<:.c=.lst)) then the processor make a reset after warm up, without change vom code! I have no idea what I have make wrong. Compiler: Coudesourdery, -O1 After temperatur reset, in the register RCC->CSR, the upper 8 bit have ''0x14'', look like SW-Reset, no Watchdog! After this reset, the processor start and work for some ms and make a reset again until the chip is cold. I have test it with a lot of Boards an three PC's. Please, help me!My guess
that the
the processor,because
the Status-Register RCC->CSR look like the same when I download a new program by JTAG. Best Regards Markus #stm32