2010-01-13 1:10 AM
2011-05-17 4:37 AM
i am using the STM3210E-EVAL Board. And i am running the demo software for the TFT Display right now. Now i have a few questions about that TFT and FSMC stuff because im new to it. First. Can i use the same TFT with an STM32F103VC controller? This µC has FSMC but only Bank 1 and 2 are available. And there are two pins missing (FSMC_NE4 and A0 which are at the STM32F103ZE). The STM32F103VC doesnt have this Pins. Can i use alternate pins or do i allways need a 144pin µC (STM32F103ZE e.g.) for this TFT? Second. Is there a way to use the TFT LCD without the FSMC of the µC? Just running it with the standart input/output pins. And if yes, are there any demo programms how to drive the TFT without FSMC? Thanks.2011-05-17 4:37 AM
We have driven a very similar (but not that exact model) TFT with one of ST's ''minimal'' 64 pin STM32F103. These smaller, lower cost MCUs do not include any FSMC.
General rule - if you comply with the TFT's signal & timing spec you will be ok - screen doesn't care re: source/creation of data. Software approach ''is'' effected. With FSMC (like past data+address bus CPUs) a ''single'' MCU instruction can transact (read/write) with the screen. Without FSMC a multi-instruction sequence is required and proper set-up/hold times must - at all times - be observed. Our firm specializes in such TFTs (and lower cost mono Lcds). Clients/we found the ''multi-instruction'' requirement inefficient and obviously a ''speed-brake.'' (especially penalizes user on a full-screen write or read) To greatly reduce this ''MCU-TFT'' inefficiency our firm has developed and is ''productionizing'' a semi-custom IC - which ''automates'' this data-transfer - reducing the number of MCU instructions on ''every'' transaction - and ''guaranteeing'' that all signal levels and timing constraints are met. And - our approach ''frees you'' from dedicating 16 I/O as MCU-TFT Data Bus. 16 I/O often ''cost us'' use of the RTC pins (unacceptable) - our approach reduces TFT I/O to just 12. In summary - if you understand & comply with all of the TFT's signal/timing specs you may employ a smaller, lower-cost, non-FSMC MCU. [ This message was edited by: jj.sprague on 12-01-2010 15:40 ]2011-05-17 4:37 AM
Some TFT Display may also be connected using SPI. This is available on all models of STM32.
2011-05-17 4:37 AM
Re: SPI input TFT Controllers
Two trade-offs result: a)screen update speed penalty (obvious). 76,800 (QVGA) - 16/18 bit pixels to ''boss'' b)currently such TFT control ICs ''top out'' @ QVGA (320x240) and have proved inadequate driving beyond 3.5'' diagonal TFTs. (non-obvious) Solution our firm has been developing runs TFTs 2.4'' - 10.4'' (currently) with ''constant'' HW and SW interface - enabling designers a much broader selection - so that they may quickly/easily, ''release their creativity.''2011-05-17 4:37 AM
Hi p.diemer,
I'm working on a project in which I need to program a TFT LCD via STM32F103ZE. I started with the demo but I need to install the DfuSeDemo in my PC to program the Demo and I searched for the .exe and didn't found it. Any ideas PLEASE.. Best Regards, Mariem