2013-03-19 01:54 AM
2013-03-26 09:58 AM
INC_DIR = -I STM32W108xx_StdPeriph_Driver/inc \</span></div>
-I CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32W108xx/Include \</span></div>
-I CMSIS/Include \
-I Utilities/STM32_EVAL/Common \
-I Utilities/STM32_EVAL/MB851
and also
: (HAL)INC_DIR +=-I Utilities/STM32W108xx_HAL_Driver \</div>
-I Utilities/STM32W108xx_HAL_Driver/micro \</div>
-I Utilities/STM32W108xx_HAL_Driver/micro/cortexm3 \</div>
-I Utilities/STM32W108xx_HAL_Driver/micro/cortexm3/bootloader \</div>
-I Utilities/STM32W108xx_HAL_Driver/micro/cortexm3/compiler \</div>
-I Utilities/STM32W108xx_HAL_Driver/micro/cortexm3/stm32w108 \</div>
-I Utilities/STM32W108xx_HAL_Driver/micro/generic/compiler</div>
and: (SimpleMAC)INC_DIR +=-I SimpleMAC/Include
2013-03-27 01:01 AM
That leaves me a little confused.
Nowhere in the simpleMAC tree is anything about those cal*** functions, like calStartAdcConversion. However, most of this functions are present as hal***, and not cal***. And second, they are present in the IAR version of the library. Further checking the Keil armcc version (in Libraries/SimpleMAC/Binary/simplemac-library.lib), it also seems to contain those functions. Not sure if this gcc branch is properly tested.2013-03-27 04:17 AM
2013-03-27 04:57 AM
Well, that could possibly be true.
But I'm still confused that the code often differs between IAR and GCC, while in the Binary subfolder, there are only this IAR version and a Keil version (simplemac-library.lib) of the lib. I would have expected a gcc version there, too.2013-03-27 09:04 AM
2013-03-27 09:36 AM
I don't have too much ideas at the moment.
Either you could go for rebuilding a gnu version of the library with recent sources, or give the IAR version another try. I suspect the hardfaulting may have to do with the wchar_t parameter mismatch. I had encounters with Keil-armcc built libraries, and didn't succeed in linking them into an application built with Crossworks (i.e. gcc). I used the source code in this case (STM32F4 DSP_Lib).2013-03-27 10:23 AM
After the holidays
'm going to takenext week
.I will try to
see if it works
of the library
that come with
Not know how to
get the
compiled for
.The sources of
this library
does not provide by
Thank you so much
you ever need anything and
I can help
I'll be happy
My personal e-mail: sergio.martin.calvo @ gmail.com2013-08-29 02:50 AM
Hi Guys
We'll I just ran into this same problem today when trying to upgrade the Contiki port for STM32W108 to the latest CMSIS compatible STM32W108xx_SimpleMAC_V2.0.1, which uses the Standard Peripheral Library. The problem seems to be that STM simply haven't supplied a GNU compatible binary, and since the radio driver is proprietary they won't supply source code. This does seem rather worrying, possibly indicative of a shift in policy away from GNU support, particularly as compiling a GNU version of the library surely ought to be trivial. I am making further enquiries and will update the forum if and when there is some further news. Cheers Ron2013-11-04 01:15 AM
has anybody made progress for this problem?I want to compile it with GNU and if possible board independent.I have written an email to ST support concerning this problem but since a month no reply.Best regardsDavid