2015-10-29 6:02 AM
When I plugged the STM32VL discovery board in a PC, there will be a ''removable drive'' in the Computer, and there are some internet shortcut in it. The Win says that it is formatted to FAT, and the free space is about 30MB.
My question is that how it works? Where is this memory located in? I'd like to create such a like this. I'd like to use VCP to control the STM32F4 discovery board, and in addition to
this I need a little memory (~1MB) to save data. The
way I though if I make a FAT drive in the MCU.2015-10-29 6:10 AM
The ST-LINK on the VL-DISCO fakes a MSC by supplying a handful of carefully crafted sectors. It's not writable, and doesn't provide for 30MB of space.
I posted an MSC-SDRAMDISK example for the STM32F429I-DISCO2015-10-29 6:22 AM
Here is another example, it supports only reading from a virtual fat filesystem, no writing mode.
2015-10-29 12:07 PM
I realised that I'd have to create a RAMDISK in the MCU SRAM. I need writeable/readable disk.
Could it be possible to create such a thing?2015-10-29 12:52 PM
Could it be possible to create such a thing?
The amount of SRAM in the F407 would make it rather small, but it's technically feasible. If the question is will I write it for you, the answer to that is no.2015-10-29 1:24 PM
No, the question was not that, it was only
it is possible.:) Thank you!