2015-11-23 1:28 PM
Can someone please advise on the availability of the std peripheral libraries for the STM32L4 device? That is, HAL-free? I couldn't find any in the package that i got from the ST website that claims there is CMSIS libraries in it (stm32cubel4.zip) Thanks...2015-11-23 1:49 PM
ST hasn't release an SPL for the L4 series parts.2015-11-23 3:06 PM
Sorry, meant SPL.
So then: if ( user == field_debug_HAL) { less_work_for_ST == TRUE } On a more serious note, do you know if they are planning to?2015-11-24 2:05 AM
Hi roofie01
Unfortunately, there is no plan for the moment to have SPL for the STM32L4,But ST has already introduced a new set of APIs, called Low Layer (LL), close to the notion of SPL , which allow register access level programming. -Syrine-2015-11-24 8:38 AM
Read the release notes in firmware package...thanks. Looks like the days of SPL are numbered for any new silicon.
I tried a version of HAL in January this year - was not happy with it. Some weird behaviors happening so stuck with SPL. I'll try this release with the STM32L4 and see how it works out.