2014-05-25 10:09 AM
The STM32L051 looks like a good device for a new project, but there seems to be no-one stocking it and there seems to be no dev kit. Can I use the STM32F0 discovery and any code will be essentially drop-in when I lay out a board with the L051 on it? If not, anyone know when there will be dv kits for the L051 series? Many thanks. :~)2014-05-25 06:44 PM
Announcement seems to be a little ahead of availability, didn't appear to be discovery boards the other week when someone asked, will push to moderation.
2014-06-12 07:23 AM
Thanks, Clive. Does no-one know whether I can use the F0 board to prove software for a start?
2014-06-12 08:10 AM
As I understand the position, ST is not releasing a standard firmware library for the L0 parts, so porting back and forth might be more difficult, I haven't reviewed the L0 reference manual compared to the F0 so can't speak to their sameness, or lack thereof.
None of the moderators appear to have responded to my initial prod, so I'm not sure of the overall status.