2015-10-03 04:26 AM
hello every one I'm trying to program stm32f429 with Simulink and I use matlab 2013a and MAT target 4.2.0 when I have used stm_Config block to configure hardware target I got a problem that I can’t set the block parameters
2015-10-06 08:23 AM
Hi hammad.abdelazez,
R2013a Matlab version is not managing Tabs and Buttons. Please, update MATLAB version. Model parmaeter window for STM32_config should be as following:
2015-10-08 11:43 AM
Thank you
, but what is the matlab version do I need ?2015-10-09 06:00 AM
Hi hammad.abdelazez,
R2013b Matlab version is the adequate one. It is mentioned in Release Notes that: ''The mask editor is enhanced to support designing mask dialogs using controls such as images, links, and buttons...'' -Shahrzad-