2015-05-06 4:44 AM
i am having stm32f429 discovery board with uclinux running. i am facing problem is that once board booted proprly and got board console,if am trying to create any file,it always tells write permmission error.then i checked using 'ls' command most of files are readonly, how to change permissiom of rootfs, i am using ST-LINK utility to flash bootloader,kernel and rootfs images
2015-05-06 8:48 AM
Yeah, don't think the issue is with the ST-LINK, but rather how you're building things.
Would suggest you go to a forum/vendor supporting ucLinux, as it probably depends on how/what file system images were created, and to what they were written. You might need something other than the on-board flash, as it's not particularly tailored to file system, or small block, models.Look at other working STM32 systems using ucLinux, and the types of hardware, and build processes they have.