2015-12-30 1:27 PM
STM32F429-iDisco is very easy crash, why?
After installing it into our metal box, it crash very easily. At the beginning, we guess the electrostatic from other board cause that, then we add a think plastic to isolate them, problem is still the same. We guess STM32F429-iDisco is not insulated from the metal box, then we add some pads cushion, problem is the same. We guess the STM32F429-iDisco in not proper power by +5V, then we add a capacitor of 1000uF/16V on the pin +5v and ground, but the problem is the same. Please help.2015-12-30 4:12 PM
Well not knowing much about what ''crash'' means in this context, and what exactly you've got wired together, I'm going to guess that it's a lack of solid and coherent grounding.
That assumes that it's a ''hardware'' problem, rather than a ''software'' one for which you could generate debugging and diagnostic output to isolate and confine the problem. You could of course also add some thresholding to the supplies, and latch/monitor those, to confirm or eliminate them browning-out as a cause of your issue. Plenty of power-on-reset type chips with laser trimmed thresholds with can clamp an OD signal low of a few hundred milliseconds. You could commit one GPIO to monitoring several supplies.