2017-02-06 12:55 AM
Hi Regnegade/everyone,
This is my skype user id:
If you are free please ping to me because I need help for ESP12E wifi module
to interface with STM32F401VDT.
Why am sending skype ID,means it is easy to share things regarding ESP12E
Thank you sir.
2017-02-06 2:37 AM
Hello, the STM32F769 discovery supports an Espressif wifi module: you can directly connect the Espressif module to the kit, with associated software available as an example in STM32Cube for STM32F769.
2017-02-06 11:09 PM
Hi sir,
Thank you for reply me sir,
We are using ESP-12E in HSPI mode,but we are facing difficulty while communicating with ESP-12E in HSPI mode.
I have seen you supported for Arduino using SPI mode and we also want to implement similarly using STM32f4.
Link is given below for SPI support .
So first of all weather it is possible or not using HSPI to get response in slave mode from the ESP12E using any controller.
They are using #Include<ESP8266WiFi.h> file but i did not find this header file in arduino tool.
Requesting you to kindly provide this header file also
Thank you sir.