2012-12-02 6:18 PM
What is the most current Library to use for USB development for STM32F4.
2012-12-02 7:21 PM
2012-12-03 3:38 PM
Thanks Clive. This may be an odd question however I am after some direction. What would be the best place to start learning USB for a project which ''sends data to a PC'' from a peripheral such as the accelerometer or other sensor?
The reference manual for F4 does have a section on USB OTG which I have browsed but have yet to get a handle on the ''Ins and Outs'' of USB. The examples do have a Virtual Com Port example which may be the place to start. What do you think??2012-12-03 6:07 PM
The VCP would seem to be a reasonable starting point, it has a driver, and PC side comms should be relatively straight forward.