2014-03-11 3:36 AM
2014-03-12 1:57 PM
Do not anyone's idea?2014-03-12 7:16 PM
Do not anyone's idea?
Evidently, do you not understand how forums work? Honestly there aren't that many people attaching this camera, to this display, on this board. Even fewer on the forum and participating. You'll likely need to decompose the problem into smaller pieces, and verify that each of those pieces is functioning in the manner your expect, and with a data format that is compatible throughout. So isn't the format you've chosen a 14-bit mode? How does the camera send that? Is the way the camera sends the data coherent with the way the display expects to receive the data? What if you capture the data and analyze it on a PC. Does the data look correct, is the byte/bit formatting and alignment right? Do you have a test bitmap in the correct format for the display that you can send to the screen? Does that look right? If the data formats are not immediately compatible you might have to transcode from one to the other in order to display the image as desired.2014-03-13 3:26 AM
clive1 Sorry
I can not understand forum yet. I'm a new member. I am sending a picture to the LCD. Picture looks correctly in the LCD.In the camera, I see only red and blue primary color. Looks to be purple or pink a white colors. I think have problems in green color. Green colors will never appear or little seems.How can I test the camera on the PC?RegardsMucit232014-03-13 4:54 AM
Obviously, the camera sends another colour format than your picture is encoded in.
In other words, you need to reshuffle the camera to the correct format/encoding.2014-03-13 9:13 AM
I can not understand forum yet. I'm a new member.
This is a truth for all forums, the pool is pretty shallow, the lack of any response is feedback in-and-of itself.How can I test the camera on the PC? I'm not telling you to test the camera on a PC, I'm telling you to take the frame(s) you capture on the STM32, and analyze that data on a PC, and confirm the colour data matches the format you expect, and the one the display needs. Use the debugger to read a region of memory out to a file on the PC side, or use a USART to transmit it, or any number of other methods.2014-03-15 6:15 PM
Hello All,
think I might be able to help with this one, least I hope. PE 0/1 is tied into the accelerometer interrupt on the stm32 discovery board. So if you are using them in your camera this will not work. I had the same issue and it took me over a year to solve ! In short change the pe 0 and 1 to c8 and c9. You can read my post for more info. https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Discovery/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=https%3a%2f%2fmy.st.com%2fpublic%2fSTe2ecommunities%2fmcu%2fLists%2fSTM32Discovery%2fDCMI%20ov2640%20JPEG%2c%20not%20working&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800084C20D8867EAD444A5987D47BE638E0F...2014-03-18 12:55 PM
Thank you for your answer. I solved the problem. Ov9655 had problems in the setup settings. Camera is working now. Here's the test video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7-FOgELcbE