2013-04-15 12:42 AM
Hello friends
I am confused where to wire my encoders to stm32f4 ; I have 2 encoders from 2 motors , After I read the manual is it possible to wire the 2 encoders to the same timer and can configure them individually ? or I need two timers ? for example encoder 1 A to timer2 ch1 and B to timerch2 encoder 2 A to timer2 ch3 and B to ch4 (timer 2) is that ok ? Or do I need 2 seperate timers ? Do you suggest a direct wirring of the endoders or should I use latches? Thank you in advanced . Esat2013-04-15 4:38 AM
Each timer has a single counting element, that pretty much limits the possible use cases right there.
The availability of different channel configuration likely permits the use of different pins to resolve other conflicts.