2013-11-29 5:08 PM
I am now working on STM32F215ZG with YAGARTO GNU Toolchain, the YAGARTO version is showed below:
yagarto-bu-2.23.1_gcc-4.7.2-c-c++_nl-1.20.0_gdb-7.5.1_eabi_20121222; yagarto-tools-20121018-setup. the attachment is a demo project, it can be compiled OK by Keil MDK and also can be run OK on my board. with YAGARTO ToolChain, it also can be compiled OK, but when i download the objective binary into my board, it can not work. i don't know what happened, maybe the linker file (X600Boot.ld) or the startup_stm32f2xx.s file is wrong, or the makefile is wrong, anyone can help me? #stm32-yagarto-gcc2013-11-29 5:53 PM
Doesn't look bad from a cursory scan. Have you considered downloading/debugging the Yagarto output .ELF (aka AXF) with Keil?
2013-11-30 1:59 PM
As soon as I read your post it reminded me of similar problems that I had when first using the compiler. In the startup_stm32f2x.S file, I'm reasonably sure that the following call will be the culprit:bl __libc_init_arraySince you're not using C++, it should be fine to comment out this line in the startup file.Regards,Carl.2013-12-02 5:30 PM
thanks a lot!
but the problem is still