2011-09-30 11:33 AM
I have a problem in Ethernet start up using LWIP. the program always stick in a infinite loop in below line :while (ETH_GetSoftwareResetStatus () == SET)
what is problem and what is this line means ? i use an external 50Mhz oscillator( RMII Mode )
instead of using Port A.8 forDP83848
clock source ! can this cause the problem ? thanks #mainwaring2011-12-07 8:11 AM
People here could help others, instead of loosing everybody time with useless posts.
I had the same problem, solved enabling the Ethernet clocks only AFTER while(ETH_GetSoftwareResetStatus()==SET).Why? Read the STM32F107 Manual (TRM) page 949 item 29.4.4.Best regardsGUGA2011-12-07 8:44 AM
People here could help others, instead of loosing everybody time with useless posts.
Which is an awfully interesting insight from someone with 5 posts. You must be new here... I generally think most of the problems posted could be solved by a more though reading of the manuals and source, and for the most part answers/suggestions posted often have more thought behind them, than the original question. Anyway, here's the specific cite, with a link for the manual in question, so people don't have to waste time navigating the nightmare web site. http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/REFERENCE_MANUAL/CD00171190.pdf 29.4.4 The mode, MII or RMII, is selected using the configuration bit 23, MII_RMII_SEL, in the AFIO_MAPR register. The application has to set the MII/RMII mode while the Ethernet controller is under reset or before enabling the clocks.